I need a referral letter from your GP or Paediatrician. Once I go through the referral, where necessary I will contact the referrer and/or family to clarify a few things.
Once all the information received, we shall send an id number and passwords to complete a set of online questionnaires by parents, by child (if 11yrs or over) and by two teachers (sent separately to them) as appropriate.
I kindly expect all the questionnaires completed a few days before the appointment, providing as much requested information as you can, so we make good use of one-hour appointment time. Parents may be wary to discuss certain aspects in front of the young person and conversely, the young person may be comfortable discussing certain matters in their parents’ absence, so I shall aim to do this within the appointment time.
I shall do my best to give clarity to the young person's presentation and guide about the management. I may not able to give a diagnosis in our first meeting in some situations, so another meeting may need to be arranged. As appropriate, the judicious trial of medication may be recommended to be initiated by the referrer following necessary tests (ECG and/or Blood tests). The half an hour follow-up appointment is sent subsequently, when agreed with the family.
If a psychological assessment and treatment is required, then I shall make an onward private referral to a clinical psychologist. I may also signpost you to other clinicians, such as speech and language therapists, nurse for school observation, ADOS assessor and occupational therapists when needed.